Bridesmaid Posy Bouquet

Bridesmaid Posy Bouquet


This small bridesmaid bouquet option is perfect if you have a large bridal party or are on a more limited budget.

Your special friends still get flowers to hold without the majority of your budget being wrapped up in your wedding party, allowing you to spend more where it counts.

Designed in our signature asymmetrical garden style, these post bouquets are made up of one filler flower and one variety of bloom that coordinates with your colour palette and the rest of your floral order. Tied with 2.5” luxury hand-dyed silk, your wedding party flowers will still read chic and high-end.

Ingredients are designers choice. Amount of blooms are completely dependant on market price the week of your wedding. Flowers that are more expensive per stem mean the bouquet will have less flowers but will always have at least 5.

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